Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Blog, My Rule

    Supp Bitches! LOL. Since this will going to be my first entry, I will just introduce myself. I'm Kristine Laranang. Part time Management Accounting student, Full time Cheerleader. :)) Cheerleading wasn't my thing before. I just love performing that's why. I love acting and dancing but when I entered college, it feels like I wanted something new. Something I haven't tried before. Something I never imagined myself doing it. And yeah. I went for the auditions of LPU Pirates Pepsquad. And I dunno how but i'm in. HAHA! Then my life became colorful. Let us talk more about my personality. I'm a kind of person who is really snobbish. Like a mad cow. LOL. Im not the typical kind of person who will say "Hi!" then gives you a smiling face when I saw you in hallways. Whenever you saw me in my simangot face, don't you dare ask me "what's the matter?" or else, you won't like what will happen. HAHAHA. Kinda scary me right? But when i'm in good mood, I am really approachable and friendly and sweet and clumsy and jolly person. You can hear me laughing as if there is no tomorrow or smiling as if I wanted to show you all of my teeth. :D That's my trademark, WIDE SMILE. :D I am a sentimental kind of person. I appreciate gifts full of efforts the most especially when a letter was attached to it. I'm not a chocolates and flowers girl. I do appreciate it but not like the way I appreciate sentimental thing like letters. Hahaha. That's the choosy part of me. XD Another thing about me is I love reading books. The very latest book I've read was 50 Shades of Grey Trilogy. God! Christian Grey was really charming there and Ana Steele was really lucky. XD I  also love watching movies at my laptop. I'm kinda kuripot so i prefer downloading or copying movies instead of watching it on cinemas. And besides, I can repeat it whenever I want to. :D  I am pretty contented with my short hair, red lipstick on, wearing shorts and plain v-neck shirts. :) That's the least thing I could say about me but i'm gonna posts more sooner and i'm hoping uhmm.. what? hahaha. I dunno. I just hope. LOL.

Here are some photos of me. :) Various versions of Kagome. LOL.

My hair was short and it's colored.

My hair was short again and it's black.

Plain v-necks and shorts on.

Till next time folks. Bye. :D